Dec 7, 2022 | Business, Consultancy, Finance
Buying a business is a big decision, and as soon as you have a company in mind, one of the first things you should consider is how you will finance your acquisition. There are lots of ways to finance a business acquisition – it’s not like buying a new TV where...
Oct 28, 2022 | Business, Business Coach, Business Mentor, Business Owner, Consultancy, Corporate, Cost Management, Finance
During Clive’s extensive career as a business consultant and acquisitions specialist, he has learnt how important it is to prepare the parties of a sale for what they should expect in a Heads of Terms. There is a lot to consider when you’re selling your business or...
Oct 7, 2022 | Business, Business Coach, Business Owner, Consultancy, Finance
Whether you are entering into a potential sale of your business, growing your company through acquisition or setting up a partnership, merger or other business-related agreement you’ll probably have heard of a Heads of Terms. But what is a Heads of Terms, what...
Sep 28, 2022 | Business, Business Coach, Business Owner, Consultancy
Whether you’re the buyer keen to purchase a business, or the seller wanting to exit your own, the offer is a critical stage for everyone. And it can be utterly terrifying for first-time buyers. You’ve done your homework and found a business that you want to buy....
Sep 14, 2022 | Business, Business Coach, Business Mentor, Business Owner, Consultancy, Cost Management, Finance
If you’re looking to buy a business, carrying out a robust analysis of its financial statements will help you understand the financial health of the company. Amortisation and depreciation are two concepts among many that feature on the balance sheet and income...
Aug 31, 2022 | Business, Cost Management, Finance
If you’re in the process of analysing the financial documents of a business you want to buy, or you’re thinking about selling your business, both EBITDA and add-backs are terms you need to know about. So what exactly have they got to do with assessing a potential...