Jul 6, 2022 | Business, Business Owner, Communication, Consultancy, Sales, Success
You made it through the first meeting alive! Congratulations. Knowing what to expect and preparing ahead of time meant you could get the information you needed from the other party. If it was a success, you will both feel satisfied and positive about the prospective...
Jun 21, 2022 | Business, Business Owner, Communication, Consultancy, Sales, Success
Business owners sell up for a variety of reasons. New opportunities arising elsewhere, retirement and capitalisation can all play a part. Whatever the reason, and whichever route to sale you chose, sellers will always reach the same daunting cornerstone. The first...
Jun 8, 2022 | Business, Business Owner, Communication, Consultancy, Sales, Success
The first buyer/seller meeting is an opportunity for the buyer to scope out the owner and their business on a deeper level. Alongside this fact-finding mission, it’s vital that rapport and trust are built. This is because a smooth, successful negotiation stage depends...
May 23, 2022 | Business, Business Owner, Communication, Consultancy, Sales, Success
First impressions are critical in business. Whichever side of the table you’re sat on, the initial meeting between both parties will set the tone of the discussions to follow. It’s therefore vital to establish a good rapport, and quickly. Sounds like a lot of...
May 3, 2022 | Business, Business Owner, Consultancy, Finance, LinkedIn, Marketing, Sales, Success
Buying a business can make you money. Not only that, it can expand your asset portfolio and help your own business to grow if you take on competitors. New to buying a company? Maybe you’ve been mulling over the idea of buying for a few months and feel a bit...
Apr 13, 2022 | Business, Business Owner, Consultancy, Finance, Marketing, Sales, Success
Was selling your business always part of the plan? Maybe you already own a successful business and you’re looking to merge and grow. Business owners decide to buy and sell for a variety of reasons. Whatever the grounds for the big change, it can be a whirlwind of...